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A #PeopleOfManyTalents Story is an independent technology company, ready to be the reliable partner for businesses and organizations aiming to architect the future within their industry and outside of it.

A people of many talents’ story worth telling.

Mihaela has been working at for over 2 years as a Talent Acquisition Specialist, carrying her work with great passion and being a resourceful colleague for us “non tech people” in a tech company.

One day, we have learned that she was about to leave her position as a recruiter, to join a technical team for one of our projects as a Software Developer.

How did you start your job in Talent Acquisition?

I started working in TA in August 2017 when I finished my master’s degree in ‘Organizational Psychology and Human Resources management’. I had about two years of experience in the field of recruitment and I was working in a recruitment agency at that time, but I was looking for a more flexible work environment.


What motivated you and kept you going?

The field of recruitment seemed to me extremely interesting and important in view of the fact that it manages to make a connection between a person looking for a job and an employer who needs the knowledge and skills of that person.

It is impressive to see how both sides succeed to achieve their goals and develop as a result of their collaboration.

What led you to make this change change?

The desire to make the change to programming began to appear from the first interviews I had with those in this field.

I was lucky enough to meet people very passionate about software development who also had the patience to explain many of the concepts that later led me to a training.

As I deepened my knowledge of programming, I realized that I liked it more and more. The hours spent in this regard passed very quickly.

There are two aspects that I like mainly in programming:

  1. The satisfaction that solving a difficult problem gives you
  2. The fact that the work done for the development of different applications can be useful for many people.


How you managed the transition and the impact with the new role?

The transition was easy for me because I am lucky to be part of a very good team from which I receive all the support I need now at the beginning.

Also, the flexible environment at RINF TECH and the professional opportunities I had here helped me a lot to have an easy transition, especially in this period when we could only have online interactions.

We want to thank Mihaela for her collaboration, express all our admiration and wish her the best of luck for her new role!


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